Retrieve the stored measurement data
You can retrieve the measurement data for s specific date, a 7-day period, a 30-day period, or a selected period. The measurement application will displays all the measurement data of the selected period in a list with an analysis page alongside to provide a full overview and control of the healthy status of your heart and your blood pressure.
Step 1
Please click on the icon "Results" on the navigation menu on the bottom of the main page to open the page "Retrieved date".
Step 2
Select your inquired measuring date or the end date of your inquired measuring period of 7 days or 30 days from the calendar.
Step 3
Please click on the button "Measurement results of the day" to retrieve the results of the selected date.
If you want to retrieve the results of the selected 7 days period, please click on the button "7-day measurement data".
If you want to change the selected date or the selected end date of the period, please click on the button "Change the selected measuring date".
Step 4
Above the list of the measurement data on the page is a summary table of the counts of your measurements, which are divided into 4 time segments, with 4 time segment buttons below the table. By clicking on one of the 4 buttons, the list displays only the measurement data in the selected time segment. Click the same time segment button again the list displays all the measurement data of the selected date.
Click on any of the measurement data in the list, the measurement application then shows details of the selected measurement together with visualized analysis diagrams.
Click on the option "Return" to return to the page of the list of the measurement data of the selected date.
Click on the option "To Analysis" on the bottom right of the page to view the analysis of the measurement data of the selected date.
Step 5
On the analysis page, all the measured values of the heart spectrum index I1, I2 and I3, the systolic blood pressure, the diastolic blood pressure and the pulse of the selected date are summarised in tables and are also divided into 4 time segments.
Between the two tables is a vertical bar chart that shows all blood pressure values during the selected date with a visualized trend of the changes.
Click on the option "Return" to return to the page of the list of the measurement data of the selected date.
Afterwards click on the option "Return" to return to main page.
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